Social Security benefits are available to anyone with injuries, illnesses or disabilities that prevent them from earning a living. If you can’t go to work because you’re physically incapable, you may be entitled to benefits. Depending on your injury, illness, or disability, the program that is in place to help meet your needs will vary. The first step is finding out which program is right for you. The NYC Social Security Disability attorneys at Tucker Lawyers PC know how best to capitalize on your potential benefits. We know that there are systems in place that were built to assist you in your time of need. The Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) program and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program are the two most popular agencies when it comes to providing for those unemployed due to an impairment. If your impairment is going to keep you out of work for a year or more, it’s important to secure the aid that can help cover your medical treatments and provide you with living wages.
If you’ve spent your life working and paying Social Security taxes, then you are due for compensation if and when you are no longer able to work. If you’ve paid into FICA for five of the last ten years, then you are entitled to the benefits this service provides. The intricacies of qualification under Social Security guidelines can be hard to understand, but our dedicated team at Tucker Lawyers PC can take factors such as work history, assets, and income to figure how much coverage you qualify for. Failing to correctly fill out the application or a misrepresentation of your claim can lead to denial by the Social Security board.
Unrepresented claimants often run into a great deal of trouble successfully filing their claim. When you retain counsel with Tucker Lawyers PC, you’ll have experienced attorneys guiding you through the process, who will enforce your rights to the fullest. Having a claim denied is both frustrating and discouraging. In the event your claim is denied, we will continue fighting for you through the appeals process. The nature and extent of your injury, illness or disability, as well as your financial situation, will determine what benefits you will qualify for so it is imperative to speak with our compassionate professionals to ensure that you receive the benefits that are available.
A serious impairment may mean the end of your work career but it shouldn’t mean the end of a comfortable life. The Social Security program is in place to put you at financial ease during your time of need. If you’re suffering from an impairment that precludes you from maintaining gainful employment, Social Security benefits can help you cope with medical bills, ongoing medical treatment, and provide you with income that will allow you to retain financially stability. Contact Tucker Lawyers PC for a free consultation from both social security disability attorneys and car accident attorneys in Huntington, we have a proven track record of securing our clients the benefits they deserve, and if we’re not able to win your case, all legal fees are waived.

Managing Attorney John. J. Tucker, Esq.
John has personally handled thousands of clients who were victims of another’s negligence and fights relentlessly for their rights. John enjoys bringing closure to a client’s matter so that the injured party can move forward with their life. His background enables him to evaluate complex liability related claims and bring resolution to claims in a record time frame. [ Attorney Bio ]