Category: Personal Injury Lawsuits

What Are the Pedestrian Laws in New York?

Pedestrians are perhaps the most vulnerable of all in traffic situations. Without any protection but their clothing, they face a significant risk of injury in even the most minor of car accidents. This vulnerability makes it important for everyone to learn and obey all of the rules of the road, e...

Traffic and Red Light Cameras in New York City

New York City, the “City That Never Sleeps,” is also a place that never stops moving. With an ever-increasing number of vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians sharing the road, officials have their work cut out for them when it comes to keeping everyone safe. Traffic cameras and red-light camera...

Scaffolding Falls in Brooklyn

The weather this winter has been unpredictable. Over the past couple of weeks, New York City citizens have seen temperatures alternate between balmy highs and frigid lows. Oftentimes, low temperatures bring fierce winter winds along with them. During this most recent cold snap, winds hit dangerou...

Pedestrian Deaths Take Center Stage After Grim Report

The grim truth is that pedestrian deaths are on the rise around the country, as highlighted in a recent Consumer Reports article. In 2009, 4,109 pedestrians were killed in accidents with motor vehicles, according to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. By 2017, the death ...