Unlawful Possession of a Firearm
All pistols, shotguns, revolvers, assault weapons and customized variations thereof constitute as firearms that are illegal to possess without the proper paperwork and licenses. The regulations vary by firearm type, but generally speaking, New York’s gun laws are stringent and the penalties for breaking them severe.
Most breaches of New York’s guns laws mean time in prison.
Which means, if you’ve been arrested for possession of an illegal firearm, it is in your best interest to retain professional counsel immediately. The team at Tucker Lawyers PC is well-versed in the intricacies of gun law and can help navigate you through your upcoming legal process.
If the found weapon was used in connection with another crime, say a murder or any gang-related activity, then you stand to face far steeper fines and more prolonged stays in prison.
There are few different defenses that have proved effective against illegal possession of a firearm charges. In the past, we’ve had success claiming entrapment, proving unlawful search and seizure, and/or disproving the actual nature of the discovery of said firearm’s ownership. Meaning, if we’re able to cast doubt on who the gun in question actually belonged to, or we can sufficiently argue that the gun was planted on your person without your knowing, then you will be in a far better position and will stand to face a far more lax penalty. Casting any doubt on the arresting officer’s original story has been known to yield great results.
(Certain people, felons for instance, may not own a firearm at all- even if they were to attempt going through the proper channels or had previously been in possession of a valid license. If you are a convicted felon who has been caught with a firearm, it is doubly important for you to solicit the help of a professional law team.)
Contact Our Criminal Defense Lawyers If You’ve Been Arrested For Illegal Possession of a Firearm
Whatever your gun-related offense, Tucker Lawyers PC can help you put your best face forward in a court of law. Our experienced team of attorneys have a long and sterling history of defending those who have been charged with illegal possession of a firearm. “Ownership” in itself is a nebulous term that allows much room for interpretation. We can use that ambiguity to your advantage. Oftentimes, a judge will try and attach other crimes to your original offense, such as sale of a firearm or conspiracy, in hopes of getting something to “stick.” We know how to best avoid being snagged by these extraneous charges. So if you’ve been caught in possession of an illegal firearm, contact us today. Our consultations are a free and easy way to learn about your rights. We can get started on your case immediately.
Managing Attorney John. J. Tucker, Esq.
John has personally handled thousands of clients who were victims of another’s negligence and fights relentlessly for their rights. John enjoys bringing closure to a client’s matter so that the injured party can move forward with their life. His background enables him to evaluate complex liability related claims and bring resolution to claims in a record time frame. [ Attorney Bio ]