Focusing on Subway Safety
- March 31
- Tucker Law
- Premises Accidents
As we have talked about before, elevator-related deaths are extremely rare. On average, only 27 people per year are killed by elevators. Which is what makes the incidents that occurred this past month all the more strange. Two sepa...
A landlord in Elmhurst, Queens was bewildered to find that two of his tenants had turned a 3-bedroom unit into an overloaded 10-bedroom space without his consent. This extreme story is emblematic of a burgeoning problem that has afflicted New York City for the better part of the past decade: apartme...
At Tucker Lawyers PC, we try and see every misfortunate accident as an opportunity to inform our readers of what exactly went wrong, so as to try and avoid similar mishaps in the future. Last weekend, a terrible tragedy occurred. A man in South Paterson, New Jersey fell off the roof of an apartment ...
Earlier this year, we warned about the inherent danger of parades, and advocated practicing parade safety. We talked briefly about the importance of remaining vigilant, of practicing restraint...
In 1854, Elisha Graves Otis, innovator and dramatist extraordinaire, ascended a transparent-sided mock-up of an elevator shaft way with an axe and a dream. He’d long toiled with a design that would improve the safety and braking systems of elevators. He was set on proving that his invention was ca...
The situation is a well-known one- the carbon monoxide detector is running low on batteries, and its incessant din is echoing throughout the house. Everyone scrambles, trying to hone in on the one detector responsible for causing all the racket. If you’re familiar with this situation, it’s becau...
Every year, thousands of children are injured on playgrounds. Even though playgrounds are designed to provide the optimal amount of enjoyment for the children while posing the minimal amount of potential danger, accidents are still bound to occur. Playgrounds have been known to cause injuries of all...